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Slavery Did A Job On Us - But...
God Has A PLAN!

Old Books

The so-called African American's mentality has been in bondage for so long that we subconsciously think we function better in bondage, and will defend that mentality - which was not our mentality before slavery. 


After all, every other culture was born in freedom. Our culture is the only culture in history that was "born" in bondage.


History and culture are connected, but are NOT the same and we must understand the difference.


Culture is basically defined as "a way of thinking" [Webster]


Unlike our culture, our HISTORY DID NOT begin in slavery, but in FREEDOM and in GREATNESS


Culture is influenced by history, or by the perception of history.


Outside of the familiar bondage mentality (which is threatened by your real history), we feel no security. 


It's like how many of our people are "institutionalized" and feel as though they can't function outside of the prison system. This culture has become our security even though it is not God's purpose for us.


Never forget how we arrived - we are in the land of captivity. We are not immigrants. Immigrants arrive by their choice. We are the only people here who did not ask to come. Our situation is unique... and can not be compared to the "immigrants" here.


But the birth of freedom is knowing what is true! John 8:32


God's people has always been a rebellious and stiff-necked people, and that stubbornness caused them to be in bondage all through the scriptures.


Never the less, we are the Hebrews of the Bible according to Biblical history... as detailed on our home page! We were enslaved because of disobedience. More details all throughout this website...


And everything that we went through was in the Plan! 


Step out of the comfort of that cell, and step into the true historical liberty of God's Word and your purpose as a people. 


Continue praising and worshiping, praise is what I do... just get the historical context of Scripture correct.


Slavery really did a job on us, more than we realize, but we are waking up! 


God Has A Plan for His People! 


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ~ Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)


Getting the history right gives great clarity to who you really are. We can also see the Plan of God clearer when our correct image  is clear. We need a better, more realistic and dignifying image of our self. This always comes from correct history.


We tend to downplay history.. especially our amazing Black history. Where did that come from?


History IS part of the Spiritual, and your history is a great history! 


It is a sin to not know your history! Prove me wrong... 


God always told His people to remember what He had done for them, and was upset whenever they forgot.


The Israelites in the Bible never separated their history from their worship... like we do. Think about that...


God loves His People and has not forsaken them.


I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.  ~  Romans 11:1


Free Our Minds!




Concerning the Bible, incorrect history will produce incorrect theology 


By Minister Rodney Jones, specializing in Biblical History

We have a unique situation. This requires a unique conversation, and a unique solution!

Context-Biblical Slavery Was Not Like This European Slavery

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